More community within neighborhoods is a trending goal. People are wanting to socialize with neighbors again and it is showing up in communities all across America. There are benefits to knowing your neighbors, building a network at home.  
More community within neighborhoods is a trending goal. People are wanting to socialize with neighbors again and it is showing up in communities all across America. There are benefits to knowing your neighbors, building a network at home.  
Norwalk, IA is a great community to call home and be able to enjoy everything the Des Moines Metro area and Central Iowa has to offer. This area has been recognized in many top rankings and could easily be the best place over
I recently wrote an article about fireplaces, but something a client said during a recent purchase reminded me of another consideration when living with a fireplace. This particular house had a direct vent gas fireplace that was built into a 4&r
More community within neighborhoods is a trending goal. People are wanting to socialize with neighbors again and it is showing up in communities all across America. There are benefits to knowing your neighbors, building a network at home.  
Norwalk, IA is a great community to call home and be able to enjoy everything the Des Moines Metro area and Central Iowa has to offer. This area has been recognized in many top rankings and could easily be the best place over